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ASN : Board Review Course and Update Online 2022

81 Videos + 8 pdf
 File Size 45 GB



Board Review Course & Update (BRCU) is designed to help you prepare for the ABIM Nephrology Board certification and recertification exams. This year’s live course in Chicago, IL will help you stay engaged with clinical discussions, relevant physiology and pathophysiology information, and essential updates.
For more than 25 years, ASN has offered the Board Review Course & Update as an interactive review for nephrologists preparing for the ABIM Nephrology Certification and MOC Exams. BRCU is structurally outlined to maximize readiness for these exams. This course also provides a comprehensive and essential update for practicing nephrologists and health care professionals.
Each BRCU topic section is patterned after the ABIM nephrology blueprint. This year, lectures, case discussions, interactive games, ask-the-professor sessions, and small group sessions reinforce key knowledge in nephrology. Relevant physiology and pathophysiology blend with clinical discussions to keep participants engaged and provide essential updates and preparation. Learners will receive complimentary access to all on-demand lectures in early July to jump start your preparation. BRCU focuses on the following topics:

Assessment of Kidney Function and Structure
Sodium and Water Abnormalities
Glomerular and Vascular Disorders
Acid-Base and Potassium Disorders
Tubular, Interstitial, and Cystic Disorders
AKI and ICU Nephrology
Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium Disorders and Stones
Kidney Transplantation

