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EMG/NCS Online Series: Volume IV Motor NCS and Late Responses


Technology meets Medicine! While Dr. Barkhaus focuses on the methods of recording, Dr. Nandedkar looks at the anatomic correlates of measurements. This volume with 60+ videos covers common and uncommon nerve conduction studies, F wave, H reflex and Blink reflex recordings. There are 10+ lectures that explain the generation of these waveforms and their measurements. Examples of recordings from patients are used to explain the quantitation of waveforms and their assessment.

With the introduction of the fourth volume “Motor Nerve Conduction & Late Responses”, the EMG on DVD series now offers a complete training aid in the fundamentals of routine EMG and nerve conduction studies. In this volume, the authors demonstrate techniques for electrode placement, and stimulation sites for motor nerve conduction studies. A special section on the ‘Technical’ aspects review many other factors, e.g. filter settings, incorrect stimulation, etc., that can also affect the waveforms and measurements. Several conduction studies in patients are presented to explain the effect of disease processes (e.g. demyelination, conduction block, etc) on the nerve conduction recordings. The authors have studied 15 healthy subjects using the techniques used in this tutorial and presented their findings in the “Normal values” section. In this DVD you will review the commonly tested nerves, and also many uncommon conduction studies (e.g. Phrenic nerve).
The late responses include the F waves, H reflex and Blink reflex. Once again, you will find many pearls on ‘technical’ aspects and findings in patients with neuromuscular diseases. This volume contains over 70 instructional videos, dozens of illustrations, description of ‘reference values’, and a commentary.

Author(s)  :  Paul E. Barkhaus, M.D.; Sanjeev D. Nandedkar, Ph.D.

