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Mayo Clinic Nephrology and Transplantation for the Clinician 2022 (Videos+Assessment Quiz)


This online CME course was derived from the  Mayo Clinic’s Division of Nephrology and Hypertension’s 19th Annual Update Course held via livestream in Feb. 2021. This course covers a broad range of various topics relevant to practicing nephrology/hypertension/kidney transplant providers with a focus on recent developments in the field.

Target Audience

The course is designed for nephrologists, transplant surgeons, hematologists, oncologists, internists, primary care physicians, family practice physicians, other specialists, medical trainees, and advanced practice professionals who participate in the care of patients with kidney disorders and kidney and/or pancreas transplants. Those who take care of cancer patients and would like to know more about the risks to renal function and transplant options due to kidney failure, may find this course of interest.

Learning Objectives

Upon conclusion of this activity, participants should be able to:

Summarize recent developments and challenges in managing resistant hypertension.
Construct a management plan for hypertension complicating pregnancy.
Describe the current potential of regenerative medicine.
Define the role of genetic testing in chronic kidney disease and transplantation.

Program : Click here
Course opens: 03/14/2022